Uptown Orthodontics encourages kids to "play it safe" and consistently wear mouth guards and other protective gear during sports competitions and practices.
Football, soccer, baseball, hockey, basketball, and many other youth sports can all be hard hitting, and we want to ensure that our patients, and their teammates, are properly protected from sports related injuries to the jaw and mouth. Injuries to the mouth and jaw can do a lot of damage and some can result in months of intense treatment to repair. Facial protection is an easy step in preventing trips to the emergency room.
Many kids are not wearing mouth guards during sporting competitions and practices. Parents, coaches and kids need to understand the prevalence of sports injuries and know that many sports injuries can be reduced or prevented by wearing the proper protective gear.
If you have braces we recommend that you use boil and bite mouth guards. Your teeth will be changing so much that it wouldn't be worth spending the money on custom fitting, professional mouth guards until your orthodontic treatment is complete.
We're proud to do our part to help by hosting mouth guard clinics for the teams we sponsor.