Your Invisalign treatment will consist of a series of aligners that you switch out about every two weeks. Each aligner is individually manufactured with exact calculations to gradually shift your
teeth into place. And since your Invisalign system is custom-made for your teeth and your teeth
only, with a plan devised by you and your dentist or orthodontist, you know you'll end up with a smile that truly fits.
If you're ready for a smile that transforms your appearance, Invisalign is your answer. Although there are many choices out there, no other works as effortlessly as the Invisalign system.
It is the best way to transform your smile without interfering with your day-to-day life.
Invisalign is a patented proprietary system that uses 3D modeling software and cutting-edge manufacturing technology to provide a clear, removable solution for straightening teeth. Invisalign is effective at treating a wide variety of orthodontic issues.
It was designed with leading orthodontists and is FDA cleared and has the experience of over 1,000,000 patients worldwide. It has a 96% of patient satisfaction rate. And, 9 out of 10 patients would recommend Invisalign to their friends and family.
In today’s busy and aesthetically-conscious world, many patients prefer Invisalign’s clear and removable orthodontic solution to traditional brackets and wires. There are a number of other
clear aligners out there, however none have the product experience, efficacy and customization
of Invisalign.